
It all begins with an idea.

The Rochester Nonprofit Consortium (Consortium) began in 2016 as an informal group of nonprofit executive directors interested in finding new ways to work together. 

Funding from the Otto Bremer Trust, Mayo Clinic and Rochester Area Foundation (RAF) and backing from numerous others supports the work of a strategist. The Consortium is now guided by an Executive Committee of nine diverse nonprofits.  

Initially formed to develop shared services and resources to increase operational efficiency among nonprofits, the Consortium has become a hub for cross-sector collaboration on complex issues facing our community.  In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Consortium became the convener of a critical cross sector collaboration, bringing together government, nonprofit and private sectors to respond to the immediate and emergent needs of our community.  

In Olmsted County nonprofits play a significant role in the local economy.  We boast 9 to 11 nonprofits for every 5,000 residents.  (Minnesota Council of Nonprofits 2019 Minnesota Economy Report) With the bounty of nonprofits comes a unique opportunity and challenge to collaborate, coordinate and work together to meet the needs of our community.  

Fifty three member organizations have come together to vision a future where nonprofits, government and private business communicate and collaborate in order to improve the lives of Olmsted County residents.